Access route LRV Wetterwille


Below you will find the renewed route for the boat trips during the Eleven Cities Rowing Marathon.

When you arrive from the west (Aldlansdyk)
Take the boat wagon to Peugeot garage Auto Haaima. Drive straight ahead and turn left. Then turn right (Avondsterweg). Report here to the available traffic controllers. They will take you to the area where the boats can be unloaded.

When you arrive from the north (Anne Vondelingweg)
Turn left at the traffic lights into the Planetenlaan. Then turn right at the Technische Unie. Then turn right behind the Mazzelshop and the Praxis along and turn off at the Avondsterweg. Report to the available traffic controllers here. These will take you to the area where the boats can be unloaded.

Make sure that you unload the boat quickly, so that you stop or obstruct other teams as little as possible. After unloading, continue the route to leave the empty boat wagon at the designated area behind the lucky shop. See the map and follow the instructions of the traffic controllers.

Then park your car at the Technical Union or on the lawn next to Auto Haaima.